Datamosh App Mac

Upon further research, I've found the effect is only possible using a codec available exclusively on Windows, while I use Mac. A little disappointed, but still grateful for your help. Found out how to datamosh, here's some of my firsts. On May 16th, 2011, YouTuber Yung Jake uploaded a music video titled 'Datamosh,' which included a variety of compression artifacts (shown below). On March 25th, 2012, the /r/brokengifs 1 subreddit was launched, featuring animated GIFs created using datamoshing techniques.

Datamoshing videos can be a time-consuming process, automation can help. For Windows users AutoHotkey is free, open-source macro-creation and automation software that can handle some of the repetitive tasks involved in datamoshing.

The following script for AutoHotkey automates I-frame removal in Avidemux, normally a manual process described in this tutorial. The video above was datamoshed using this automation script.

Load AutoHotkey with the script below and then when it comes time to remove I-frames in Avidemux simply focus the slider below the video and press Control+F to trigger the AutoHotkey script. The script will send the appropriate key strokes to remove the next 10 I-frames while you pop out for a break.

Datamosh App Mac Mini


These types of scripts could also be used to automate key strokes while hex editing images, consider a script which would move a certain number of characters across and then insert a character — that could glitch out an image quite nicely. Similarly one could experiment with automating photo editing processes by scripting with a program like AutoHotkey.

Datamosh App Mac Pro

Some of these types of automation could be accomplished through the usage of a programming framework, or scripting language, but automating at the user interface level can remove a lot of overhead and restrictions.

Datamosh App Macbook
