Potrace Mac Brew

Then, I scanned those and placed them into Photoshop and drew over them using a 6x8 Wacom tablet. I played with the brush settings till I achieved a good brush tip. I decided to vectorize my letters with a program called 'cocoa potrace' -mac only- which works much better than illustrator live trace. Your vectors alway come out smoother. Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017 Created by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017. MacのプレビューでPDFを表示するときのショートカットをCommand+4に変更する方法(システム環境設定を使う) 背景. PDFを表示するときにMacのプレビューを使っている。 見開きではなく連続スクロールで表示するのが好みである。 問題.

I have chosen to repackage Banana Boat sport sunscreen.
Sunscreen was invented in the 1930's as a growing need for protection from sunburn became a growing concern. Banana boat is a leading sunscreen brand, with its competitors Coppertone and Bullfrog. Since sunscreen use is considered a necessity for cancer prevention many companies have not updated the look and feel of there products in many years. Compared to there competitors, Banana boat is behind in marketing the look and feel of the sports world. With the popularity of non traditional sports such as skateboarding, surfing etc. A new look is needed to capture those markets.
The competitors packaging:
Target Audience: Everyone who enjoys sports in the sun

Potrace Mac Brew Pub

Banana Boats Goal: To help you enjoy the sun without the annoying and dangerous sun burn.

I would like to explore many different packaging options focusing on individuals who are on the go and need a sunscreen packaging that adapts to their active lifestyles.


potrace - transform bitmaps into vector graphics.



potrace is a tool for tracing a bitmap, which means, transforming a bitmap into a smooth, scalable image. The input is a bitmap, which means, apixel-based image composed of the two colors black and white only. The default output is an encapsulated PostScript file (EPS). A typical use is to create EPSfiles from scanned data, such as company or university logos, handwritten notes, etc. The resulting image is not 'jaggy' like a bitmap, but smooth. It can thenbe rendered at any resolution.

potrace can read bitmaps in the following formats: PBM, PGM, PPM (collectively known as PNM, see pnm(5)), as well as BMP (Windows and OS/2 bitmapformats). The input image should only use the two colors black and white. If other pixel values appear in the input, they will be converted to black and whiteusing a simple threshold method.

potrace can currently produce the following output formats: EPS, PostScript, PDF, SVG, DXF, GeoJSON, PGM, Gimppath, and XFig. Additional backendsmight be added in the future.



The following options are supported. Dimensions (arguments of type dim) can have optional units, e.g. 6.5in, 15cm, 100pt. The default unit is inches(or centimeters, if this was configured at compile time, see COMPILE TIME CONFIGURATION below). For pixel-based output formats such as PGM, DXF, GeoJSON, andGimppath, the default unit is pixels.

General options:

-h, --help

print help message and exit.

-v, --version

print version info and exit. This also shows the defaults that were compiled into this version of potrace.

-l, --license

print license info and exit.

Input/output options:


Each file can hold an input image, or multiple concatenated input images. If filename arguments are given, then potrace will by default create oneoutput file for each input filename given. The name of the output file is obtained from the input filename by changing its suffix according to the chosenbackend. If changing the suffix is impossible because the names of the input and output files would be identical, then the output filename is created by addingthe '-out' suffix to the name of the input file. If no filename arguments are given, then potrace acts as a filter, reading from standard input andwriting to standard output. A filename of '-' may be given to specify reading from standard input.

-ofilename, --outputfilename

write output to this file. All output is directed to the specified file. If this option is used, then multiple input filenames are only allowed formulti-page backends (see BACKEND TYPES below). In this case, each input file may contain one or more bitmaps, and all the bitmaps from all the input files areprocessed and the output concatenated into a single file. A filename of '-' may be given to specify writing to standard output.


End of options. Any remaining arguments are interpreted as filenames. This also disables filter mode, even if no filenames are given. This is useful forshell scripts, because potrace -- $FILENAMES will behave correctly even for an empty list of filenames. However, -- with an empty list offilenames is not permitted in conjunction with the -o option, because this would generate a document of zero pages, which none of the backendspermit.

Backend selection:

-e, --eps, -b eps, --backend eps
Potrace mac brew restaurant

EPS backend (default). The output is an encapsulated PostScript file. This is a single-page, variable-sized backend.

-b pdf, --backend pdf

PDF backend. The output is a file in the Portable Document Format. If the input consists of multiple bitmaps, they are each rendered on a separate page.This is a multi-page, variable-sized, backend.

-s, --svg, -b svg, --backend svg

SVG backend. The output is a Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) file. This is a single-page, variable-sized backend.

-b geojson, --backend geojson

GeoJSON backend. The output is a file in the format used by some applications processing geographical data. In this backend, all Bezier curves areapproximated by 8 straight line segments. This is a single-page, variable-sized, pixel-based backend. The -u option has no effect for thisbackend.

-b gimppath, --backend gimppath

Gimppath backend. This backend produces output suitable to be imported as a path by the GNU Image Manipulation Program (Gimp) (in the Layers, Channels &Paths dialog, select Paths, then right-click and select Import Path). The output is actually an SVG file. The differences to the SVG backend are: the--opaque option has no effect, the --flat option is always on, and the dimensions are pixel-based. This is a single-page, variable-sized,pixel-based backend.

For more detailed information on these options, see TECHNICAL DOCUMENTATION below.
-zpolicy, --turnpolicypolicy
Potrace Mac Brew

specify how to resolve ambiguities in path decomposition. Must be one of black, white, right, left, minority, majority, or random. Default is minority. Turnpolicies can be abbreviated by an unambigous prefix, e.g., one can specify min instead of minority.

Potrace Mac Brew Company
-n, --longcurve

turn off curve optimization. Normally potrace tries to join adjacent Bezier curve segments when this is possible. This option disables this behavior,resulting in a larger file size.

-Pformat, --pagesizeformat

for fixed-size backends, set page size. The following formats can be specified: A4, A3, A5, B5, Letter, Legal, Tabloid, Statement, Executive, Folio, Quarto,10x14. Format names are case insensitive. Also, an argument of the form dimxdim is accepted to specify arbitrary dimensions. The default pagesize is Letter (or A4, if this was configured at compile time, see COMPILE TIME CONFIGURATION below). Page format names can be abbreviated by a prefix as longas it is unambiguous. This option has no effect for variable-sized backends.

-Hdim, --heightdim

set the height of output image. See -W for details.

-xn[xn], --scalen[xn]

for pixel-based backends, set the scaling factor. A value greater than 1 enlarges the output, a value between 0 and 1 makes the output smaller. The defaultis 1. It is possible to specify separate scaling factors for the x and y directions by giving an argument of the form nxn. This option has noeffect for dimension-based backends. If -W or -H are specified, they take precedence.

-Aangle, --rotateangle

set the rotation angle (in degrees). The output will be rotated counterclockwise by this angle. This is useful for compensating for images that were scannednot quite upright.

-Ldim, --leftmargindim

set the left margin. See -M for details.

-Tdim, --topmargindim

set the top margin. See -M for details.

These options are only supported by certain backends. The DXF and GeoJSON backends do not support color.
-C#rrggbb, --color#rrggbb

set the foreground color of the output image. The default is black.

--opaque. Please note that this option sets the background color; to set the foreground color, use --color instead.


fill in the white parts of the image opaquely, instead of leaving them transparent. This only applies to interior white parts, i.e., those that are enclosedinside a black outline. Opaqueness is always in effect for the XFig backend.

SVG options:

Potrace Mac Brew--group

for SVG output, try to group related paths together. Each path is grouped together with all paths that are contained inside it, so that they can be movedaround as a unit with an SVG editor. This makes coloring individual components slightly more cumbersome, and thus it is not the default.


for SVG output, put the entire image into a single path. This makes it impossible to color the components individually, and thus it is not the default. Butthe resulting SVG file can be more easily imported by some applications such as Gimp. In fact, the Gimppath backend is a variation of the SVG backend with the--flat option and pixel-based scaling. The --flat option has no effect if --opaque has been selected.

PostScript/EPS/PDF options:

-Gn, --gamman

set the gamma value for anti-aliasing (default is 2.2). Most computer displays do not render shades of grey linearly, i.e., a grey value of 0.5 is notdisplayed as being exactly half-way between black and white. The gamma parameter corrects for this, and therefore leads to nicer looking output. The defaultvalue of 2.2 is appropriate for most normal CRT displays.

Frontend options:

Backend Types

Backends can be classified in several ways, which affects the available command line options and their behavior:

compile potrace without the zlib compression library. This means PostScript level 3 compression will not be available.
compile potrace with centimeters as the default unit instead of inches.
compile potrace with A4 as the default page size.

Exit Status

The exit status is 0 on successful completion, 1 if the command line was invalid, and 2 on any other error.



Potrace Mac Brew Restaurant


Peter Selinger <selinger at users.sourceforge.net>

Please see the file AUTHORS for a full list of other contributors.

Technical Documentation

For a detailed technical description of the potrace algorithm, see the file potrace.pdf, which is available from the potrace web site. Forinformation on the Potrace library API, see potracelib.pdf.

Web Site And Support

The latest version of potrace is available from http://potrace.sourceforge.net/. This site also contains a list of frequently asked questions, aswell as information on how to obtain support.

See Also



Copyright © 2001-2013 Peter Selinger

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free SoftwareFoundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESSFOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 TemplePlace, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. See also http://www.gnu.org/.

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