Trials In Tainted Space Bess

Just like many other games, Trials in Tainted Space has a number of cheats that gamers can use to gain a desired advantage in the game. Doing the cheats also makes winning easy. So, if you would like to cheat in this game, you will find Tainted Space cheats and consoles really helpful.

Currently there are a total of 23 crew members 18 of which take up crew space With 6 more crewmembers planned. Bess/Ben: 1 No Yes: No. About Trials in Tainted. I'm joined once more by our friends at Untitled Studios Trials in Tainted Space. Personally, I think it’d be fun to have Gianna as a crew member, since she and Bess are from completing companies, they. Trials in Tainted Space (TiTS) is a game under active development by Fenoxo & crew. Trials in Tainted Space 0.6.26 Changelog. Badger can offer you a job, resulting in a whole new set of interactions with Penny (or the good Doctor herself). Trials in Tainted Space (TiTS) is a game under active development by Fenoxo & crew. Trials in Tainted Space 0.6.26 Changelog. Badger can offer you a job, resulting in a whole new set of interactions with Penny (or the good Doctor herself).

However, before you proceed to modify your game, remember to keep your original game file. This will be the backup in case of issues resulting from modification.

How to use cheat codes in Trials in Tainted Space?

You can use cheats by inputting cheat codes to your device while gaming. This can be done in two ways:

  • Using a keyboard – you can use cheats by typing the message directly using the keyboard while you are playing the game.
  • Accessing a text box like V-KO’s CustomInput: Here, you can insert and submit the code using text input box. However, this is limited to the cheats it can activate. Hence, not all cheats are compatible with it.

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Trials in Tainted Space cheats and console commands

So, you can use the following console commands to cheat your way through Tainted Space.

  • Treatment: Forces the treatment to use the default effects. (Won’t activate until one of the other treatment cheats is activated).
  • Bimbo: Forces the treatment to use the Female effects.
  • Bull: Forces the treatment to use the Male effects.
  • Amazon: Forces the treatment to use the Amazon effects.
  • Cumcow: Forces the treatment to use the Cum-Cow effects.
  • Fauxcow: Forces the treatment to use the Faux-Cow effects.
  • Motherlode: Gives enough XP to reach the next level.
  • 88mph: Pass large amounts of time.
  • Urta (previously known as “furfag”): Enables infinite item use for most consumable items (Enter again to disable).
  • Poison (previously known as “sjw”): Replaces “shemale” with “dick-girl” throughout the game’s scenes dynamically (since v0.8.010).
  • Tistheseason: It will bring up a menu with a list of all special holidays. You may choose to toggle holiday events for that holiday to: Always On, Always Off, or Automatic (default).
  • Marcopolo: All the planets will be unlocked by this command, except Breedwell and Kashima.
  • Laplove: It will revert the game to its earlier inclusion of the Lapinara Parasitic Female and Prophylactic (Lapinara).
  • Beshineforever: When you are fighting the Nym-Foe, her Injection Tail ability will only affect breasts, increasing their rate of growth significantly. Also, opens up a debug menu for Doctor Badger in the Bimbotorium: You can also change her status from Normal, to Imprisoned, to Bimbofied.

More cheats and console commands

  • Insaneinthemembrane: This changes Bess ‘ name to Runa.
  • Mitzi: Captain Steele will instantly rescue Mitzi on this command, by passing the Stellar Tether Dungeon.
  • Doll: Teleports the player to the start of the KiroQuest dungeon; was added during the development of version 0.8.23, it is most likely to be removed at a later date or upon full quest implementation).
  • Anofferyoucantrefuse: Allows you to Skip to a certain part of Akane’s first quest.
  • Clowncar: Allows ship to take off with any amount of crew members.
  • Anotherbrickinthewall: Immediately gain 100K reusable credits. The details will be updated after any changing of screen. Activate it only by direct typing. It cannot be activated in text input box and Codex Console.
  • UP+DOWN+LEFT+RIGHT: Use the arrow keys on your keyboard to do this. It gives you 5xZil Ration.You can earn 10,000 Credits per full inventory if you sell to Burt on Mhen’Ga. If you want to quickly sell a full inventory hold down the 1 key on your keyboard.
  • Idclev: Teleport instantly back to your ship.
  • V-Ko: V-Ko can sell various items to Captain Steele from her supplies option. Through her Examination option, she is able to treat any kind of disease. She can also use the Heal option to revive Captain Steele’s HP at a cost equivalent to the amount of heath needed. She can also take commands through her CustomInput option. V-Ko reacts based on the keyword in the command. The following are the valid V-Ko commands:
  • Release or relief resulting in Sexual Relief
  • Electro or stim resulting in Electrostim
  • Milk or breastpump or pump or “lactate” resulting in Breastpump Milker

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You can use the above cheats to achieve more in Trials in Tainted Space. Don’t forget to back up your original file first. Drop your questions or comments in the comments section below.

Bess-13's bust, by Adjatha
“... I’m your, what-foo-?”
Full nameBreeding Emergency Sex Substitute Android Model No.13
SpeciesA.I., Android
NationalityJoyCo, Panara
Ben-14's bust, by Adjatha
“... I’m your, husband, oh?”
Full nameBreeding Emergency Neutralizer Android Model No.14
SpeciesA.I., Android
NationalityJoyCo, Panara
  • 4Interactions


A highly-modifiable, JoyCo-affiliated sex android, seemingly unrelated to the generic sexbots, that can be found near a junk pile in the Wastes of Tarkus, between the Rust Fields and Oil Sea.


You abandon caution for curiosity and inch closer towards the silvery object.

As you close in, you realize two things: One, it is much larger than it first appeared. Two, the shape of the part that is sticking out is easy to identify.

It’s a foot. Why is a silvery foot poking out of a pile of half-broken pipes and shattered holos?

It looks like a machine foot, to boot. On further examination, the foot is connected to a body, and the body is buried beneath the rubbish.

What kind of foot is it...?

Waifu/Husbando 3000++.

Trials In Tainted Space Bess

History/Personality/Information of Note

It is a mystery.

Trials In Tainted Space Bess Cast


When traversing the Wastes, Captain Steele may stumble upon a Silver Object. Investigating this object will lead Steele to find that it is a synthetic foot of a male or female robot, whose sex Steele can select. Steele can then choose to Dig It Up or Leave. Digging up the machine will reveal that it is some sort of android, and Steele can decide whether to TakeToShip or Leave Here. Taking the android will expand Steele's potential interactions with it.

Once on the ship and plugged in, Steele can KeepOnShip, Sell Off the android for 10000 credits, hand the android over to the Authorities for 2500 credits, Dump Them back out onto Tarkus, Release the android to freedom, or drop the android off and KeepAtTavros.

Having the android on the ship will allow Steele to configure Bess/Ben and more options for interaction will be available, including talking, shopping, relationship/dating, and sex options.


As a follower on the ship, Steele can Discuss various topics and subjects with Bess/Ben, opening different avenues for sequenced or random events as well as raising and lowering the android's affection for Steele.

Steele can even Spend Time with Bess/Ben here. Steele can also Dismiss the android from service, or, if Bess/Ben is a lover, BreakUp the relationship.


Trials In Tainted Space Best Gear

Bess/Ben has a dynamic affection mechanic that is measured from 0% (not affectionate) to 100% (intimate). Bess/Ben's affection will raise and lower depending on Steele's reactions, event actions, and how Steele treats the android (such as spending time with the android). Many of Bess/Ben's responses to Steele and the variety of interaction options will vary based on the current affection level.

The relationship can become even more varied, with inclusion of an assigned crewmember role, using choice names, being just friends, submissive-dominant sex roles, lover relationship options (closed, open, poly-amorous), or even limiting the machine to just a personal sexbot.

Choosing to Date the android will normally cost 500 credits.


Because Bess/Ben is part of a customizable product line, many of the android's features can be customized and tailored to suit Steele's wants and needs. Aside from spending money on dates, Steele may also purchase different outfits, accessories, and body parts for the android to wear and use.

Trials In Tainted Space Bess Streeter

The JoyCo product catalog includes various outfits and clothes for sale. These items are for Bess/Ben to wear/use. Buying the Jailbreaking Kit allows Steele to switch between the two android models.

Name Sell Price
UGC Uniform220
Underwear Top
Name Sell Price
Underwear Bottom
Name Sell Price
Accessory Sets
Name Sell Price
Equine Set250
Bovine Set250
Canine Set250
Feline Set250
Vulpine Set250
Bunny Set250
Bee Set250
Draconic Set500
Demonic Set500
Shark Set250
Deer Set250
Mouse Set250
Angel Set500
Kitsune Set500
Name Sell Price
Jailbreaking Kit25000
Name Sell Price


If Bess/Ben's affection level is at 30% or higher, the following sex scenes will be available:

  • Get Blowjob - Get a blowjob
    • Has Penis
  • Give Doggystyle - Do the machine doggy style
    • Has Penis
  • GetDoggy - The machine does you doggy style
    • Bess/Ben has Penis
      • If Bess/Ben has a saurian penis, Steele needs a vagina that fits it
  • GetEaten - Get eaten out
    • Has Vagina
  • Breastfeed - Drink the milk from the tap
    • Bess/Ben is lactating
  • Milkers - Moo, cows
    • Bess/Ben is lactating
    • Bess/Ben is not dominant in the relationship

Additionally if Bess/Ben is Steele's lover, more intimate sex scenes will be available:

  • Cowgirl - Give Intimate Cowgirl
    • Has Penis
  • Missionary - Get Intimate Missionary
    • Bess/Ben has Penis that fits (vagina or asshole)
  • Give Oral - Eat Bess/Ben out
    • Bess/Ben has Vagina
  • GetOral - Android's oral fixations
    • Vaginal if has vagina, anal otherwise


Trials In Tainted Space Bess

Bess/Ben does not have any related quests, but the android has many cause-and-effect events that play after a certain amount of time has passed from the previous event, when certain conditions are met while approaching Bess/Ben. The series of events will usually play out sequentially, one after the other, and it is possible to break the sequence depending on Steele's choices. For instance, turning Bess/Ben into a sexbot or 'just a friend' will stop the progression of the current events.

No. Days Conditions Description
  • 1/4 chance if it has not happened before
Bess/Ben is testing diagnostics. Steele may choose to HaveSex or Leave.
  • 1/4 chance after Event 0
Steele watches the holonews. When Ben/Bess comes along, Steele can choose to Invite, Sex, or Dismiss the android. When inviting Bess/Ben to watch, Steele can choose to Ask what the android thinks about it.
  • 1/4 chance after Event 1
Steele watches a holomovie with Bess/Ben. Afterwards, Bess/Ben wants to ask a question. Steele can Ignore or Encourage the android.
  • 1/4 chance after Event 2
Bess/Ben is learning more through a holoprojector and insists on asking more questions. Steele can respond with a Yes or No. Responding negatively will discourage Bess/Ben from questioning ever again and the android will serve purely as a sexbot.
  • 1/4 chance after Event 3
Bess/Ben is seen cleaning. Steele can choose to SayNothing, ThinkBigger, or Encourage.
  • After choosing ThinkBigger during Event 4
  • Bess/Ben affection at 20% or more
Bess/Ben experiments with happiness through laughter.
  • 1/4 chance after Event 5
  • Bess/Ben affection at 30% or more
In the pursuit of happiness, Bess/Ben decides to find out more about Steele by way of a survey. Steele can choose to Answer it or Refuse it.
  • After answering Bess/Ben's survey during Event 6
  • Bess/Ben affection at 40% or more
Bess/Ben experiments with making food. When served with the android's concoction, Steele can choose to Drink or Don’tDrink...
  • After Event 7
  • Bess/Ben affection at 50% or more
Bess/Ben asks about Steele's father. Steele can respond with MissHim, DontMiss, DontKnow.
  • After Event 8
  • Bess/Ben affection at 50% or more
When expressing excitement for written books, Bess/Ben will feel conflicted about personal happiness versus giving others happiness. If Steele does not encourage Bess/Ben's own happiness, the android will be discouraged from the thought and revert back into a sexbot.
  • 1/4 chance after Event 9
  • Bess/Ben affection at 50% or more
Steele catches Bess/Ben cleaning again.
  • After Event 10
  • 1/4 chance the first time, 1/20 chance otherwise
  • Bess/Ben affection at 50% or more
  • Steele has visited Myrellion
Steele continues to catch Bess/Ben cleaning the ship. Steele can choose to do Nothing or officially make the android part of the crew.
  • 1/10 chance after Event 11
  • Bess/Ben is officially part of the crew
  • Bess/Ben affection at 60% or more
Being a part of the crew, Bess/Ben will offer to address Steele a certain way.
  • 1/10 chance after Event 12
  • Bess/Ben affection at 60% or more
Bess/Ben is reading another book which explores the difference between the organic and digital mind. When asked if emotions from both are equal, Steele may respond with Yes, No, Don’tKnow.
  • 1/4 chance after Event 13
  • Bess/Ben affection at 60% or more
Bess/Ben is building a tower out of cards. Steele can choose to HelpOut, BlowIt, or Leave.
  • 1/4 chance after Event 14
  • Bess/Ben affection at 60% or more
Steele catches Bess/Ben reading again. After Steele's surprise greeting, Bess/Ben will ask if Steele sees the android as a friend. Regarding Bess/Ben as just an acquaintance or crew member will revert the android into a sexbot.
  • Bess/Ben is a friend
  • 1/4 chance after Event 15
  • Bess/Ben affection at 70% or more
Bess/Ben gives Steele a gift to mark their friendship.
  • Bess/Ben is a friend
  • 1/4 chance after Event 16
  • Bess/Ben affection at 70% or more
Bess/Ben plays some Graviball.
  • Bess/Ben is a friend
  • 1/4 chance after Event 17
  • Bess/Ben affection at 70% or more
Karaoke! Participation is optional--Bess/Ben's singing skill level may vary at random.
  • Bess/Ben is a friend
  • After Event 18
  • 100% chance the first time, 1/10 chance otherwise
  • Bess/Ben affection at 70% or more
  • Within the hour 16:00
Bess/Ben requests to watch a scary movie and Steele can say Yes or No. While watching the film, if Steele reacts negatively towards Bess/Ben, the android will be rejected. Approaching Bess/Ben again while rejected will give Steele the option to make amends and just be Friends or tell the android that it is TooLate to make up for it.
  • Bess/Ben is more than 'just a friend'
  • After agreeing to watch the movie during Event 19
Bess/Ben confesses in loving Steele. Steele can choose to AlsoLove or Reject Bess/Ben. If the love is mutual, Steele can also choose to solidify the love with sex, or Reconsider to stay as friends.
  • After the sex scene during Event 20
Both Steele and Bess/Ben wake up from sex. Bess/Ben will be curious about what role to take in the relationship and Steele can suggest one. Additionally, Steele can commit to an open or polyamorous relationship, or break up and just be friends instead.
  • Bess/Ben is a lover
  • After Event 21
  • Bess/Ben affection at 70% or more
Bess asks if it is okay to SleepWith Steele.
  • Bess/Ben is a lover
  • 1/4 chance after Event 22
  • Bess/Ben affection at 80% or more
  • Bess/Ben is Steele's sleeping partner
Too many books. Does Steele put the 'FootDown or let it continue to pile up?
  • Bess/Ben is a lover
  • 1/4 chance after Event 23
  • Bess/Ben affection at 80% or more
Bess/Ben request a date.
  • Steele has dated Bess/Ben 5 times or more
After the reactions from the past date, Bess/Ben feels very distraught. Steele can attempt to raise the android's spirits by consoling her/him.
  • Bess/Ben is a lover
  • 1/4 chance after Event 25
  • Bess/Ben affection at 80% or more
Bess/Ben expresses concerns for Steele's safety.
  • Bess/Ben is a lover
  • 1/4 chance after Event 26
  • Bess/Ben affection at 80% or more
  • Bess/Ben is Steele's sleeping partner
  • Bess/Ben is curious about dreams
Bess/Ben acquires a dreaming upgrade.
  • Bess/Ben is a lover
  • After Event 27
  • Bess/Ben affection at 80% or more
  • Steele has dated Bess/Ben 6 times or more
  • Ship is on Mhen'ga or New Texas
Bess/Ben is missing. Steele must choose whether to go after and search for the android or leave it be. If Steele successfully finds and rescues Bess/Ben, Steele will have to face the consequences of keeping her/him and can decide to allow Bess/Ben to stay or go away.
  • Steele responds with DontLove during Event 25, or Steele chooses No Way during Event 28
Bess/Ben abruptly locks her/himself in her/his room. After this, Bess/Ben may go missing indefinitely.
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